Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aeolus's Tribute

Thie topic: Describe Odysseus' encounter with Aeolus and the situation leading up to the accident involving Aeolus's bag of wind. Who is to blame for the accident -Odysseus or his men? Explain.
Aeolus's tribute to Odysseus was a bag full of western winds, which he tells Odysseus to release the winds at a certian spot to bring the winds back to normal. As Odysseus brings the bag onto the ship he falls in to a slumber leaving the bag unprotected of weiry eyes. The men on the ship believe Odysseus is hiding gold from the crew so they become curious. One of Odysseus's men try to stop the others from opening the bag but its too late and the one whom opened the bag sores through the sky. While the ship is being thrown off course Odysseus awakens to find them in a totally different area...Odysseus and his men deserve the blame for the accident, Odysseus should have never left the bag unprotected and paid closes attention to his gift. The men should of never went through his bag but asked Odysseus whats inside the bag. If this was played out then the adventure would be over. Now the winds are misplaced and Odysseus finds a new himself in another adventure. Odysseus and his men are to blame due to there actions all lead to the conclusion. Odysseus needs to realize his mens loyatie isn't what is it seems.

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