Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is this B.S or Not

I have been currently working at Best Buy in Deptford as a cashier. I started just a little before black Friday. I love working there my job is awesome and my co-workers are great. But just three weeks ago I was working my regular 1-8 shift and a group of kids came to the store and I as always welcome them to our store. The day was fine and quickly flying by. Just two hours till I'm on my way home, and my manger calls me over and said to me, "We just had a call about you from a customer." Not knowing what to think I replied "About what?" He said with a deep tone "A group of younger aged adults came to the store and said that you called them an inappropriate name... A fag? Is this true?" Confused I said, “I had never said such words from my mouth and as a matter of fact I never had a group of youngsters come to my register." He said "O.K. Well as long as you are telling the truth nothing will happen." Dismissed from the little meeting I realized that the group of kids who had called the store might have been the kids that have given me the middle finger, I was just finishing up with my customer and they group of kids caught my eye. As my customer left my register watched them walk past the other registers and then the girl in the front gave me the finger. I watch them pass by to make sure they didn't try to walk out of the store without paying for it. Now I had work yesterday and my I called the active manger on duty and he said I have work today but I no longer work from them. I panicked, asked why, and received the reason and question to prove it. He said I would have to wait till Friday to get the final decision.